Delta Kits Complete Windshield Repair Bridge Assamblies
Delta Kits Complete Windshield Repair Bridge Assamblies
The unique Delta Kits B-300 Bridge Assembly is the heart of a good windshield repair system such as Delta Kits provides. The bridge is very lightweight and does not have any sharp corners or edges that could be reasons for injuries. It is easy to place with one hand only, and can be adjusted within seconds. This unique bridge is very durable and virtually indestructible. You do not have to moisten the suction cup, so there is less cleaning after the repair. The Delta Kits B-300 windshield repair bridge also has a very stylish but unobtrusive design.
In short words; it is a really amazing product design to work with!
The Delta Kits B-300 windshield repair bridge comes with the phenomenal stainless steel I-100 injector. This injector is better than any other injector you have worked with before. It switches within seconds between pressure and vacuum cycles, and fills even stubborn breaks in a very short time.
Read more information about these items further down in the product descriptions.
Delta Kits windshield repair tools are the result of more than 25 years of experience and product development.